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Imagine that you're having a perfectly enjoyable experience playing Minecraft, when your bliss is cut brusk by a mob attack. Zombies, Endermen and creepers that plague the game tin can hands ruin your 24-hour interval. What you need is a good sturdy shelter to keep you condom and happy!


  1. ane

    Replace wooden doors with atomic number 26 doors Hard or Hardcore mode. In either i of these settings, zombies can suspension down wooden doors.

  2. 2

    Light upwardly the area around your house. Hostile mobs like creepers, zombies, and skeletons tin't spawn somewhere where it is too bright.


  3. 3

    Build some walls around your house. Make them 3 high with a one block over-hang so that spiders tin't get over.

  4. iv

    Put a moat of h2o around your business firm. Make the h2o flows away from your house to push away enemies. Dig the moat at least three blocks deep to trap mobs in there.

  5. five

    Accept a watchtower to spot mobs from in your shelter. You can also create rooftop so yous tin snipe the mobs from higher up with a bow and arrows.

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    Have a bunker under your house to go to if your business firm is invaded. Keep it stocked with armor, weapons and nutrient.

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    Always have a second way out of your firm: preferably undercover.

    • If y'all are building an underground escape route, make certain information technology'due south properly lit with torches.
  8. 8

    If you're expert with redstone, claw up a trapdoor span over your moat.

  9. 9

    If you're really serious almost defending your shelter consider putting in some inundation gates to flush out Endermen who teleport into your base.

  10. 10

    If you tin, continue some cats. Creepers are afraid of cats and this volition keep them away. Keep some dogs, too, so you lot tin kill off any mob who manages to enter your business firm faster.

  11. 11

    Put a i-block-wide moat of lava around your house. You'll be able to easily jump over the moat if information technology's merely one block wide, but mobs will just autumn in, considering they keep walking towards your house. For actress security, you could put this moat a little closer to your house than your water moat, in case whatever mobs succeeded in getting past the showtime one.

  12. 12

    Don't exit windows open. If you have any windows in your house, fill them with glass so skeleton arrows don't come through.

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    Think the golden rule of PVP (player vs role player). If yous don't have the advantage, run! If your house is invaded, don't go up confronting them with a wooden sword and half hunger.

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  • Question

    Are there blocks safe from being blown up by creepers?

    Community Answer

    Yep. Cobblestone is pretty creeper-resistant. Yous might but go a i block hole in the wall.

  • Question

    How do I proceed my dog from getting killed

    Community Answer

    To keep your dog/wolf from being killed, e'er ensure they accept full health before you attack a mob. Cheque the peak of the tail to determine their health. If it is straight up, they take full health, if it is really low, their health is depression. Use meat to regenerate wellness.

  • Question

    Is at that place a block that's prophylactic from endermen so they won't take information technology?



    Community Reply

    Endermen can't pick upwardly cobblestone, rock, wood, or most building materials. They mostly but pick upward natural blocks like plants, grass, clay and sand.

  • Question

    Tin Endermen open doors?



    Community Reply

    Endermen tin can't open up doors, only they tin teleport to the other side of them.

  • Question

    Can a cat attack tamed wolves?

    September Kordelewski

    September Kordelewski

    Community Answer

    Not if they are tamed. They would have no reason to assail because tamed cats are under your command. The cat would assault wolves if they were hostile (those wolves accept red optics). They tin as well attack creepers, which is very useful because wolves don't.

  • Question

    How do I keep all enemies out of my house?

    Community Answer

    Endermen usually spawn at night. If y'all don't want them to get into your house, don't make your house over two blocks in height. To forestall other mobs such as creeper, zombie, skeleton, you can make walls from your house. Y'all should use cobblestone.

  • Question

    Can the redstone torch terminate the spawning of mobs?

    Community Answer

    It tin can stop the spawning of some mobs. Other mobs still manage to spawn.

  • Question

    Is it possible to kill an enderman with merely h2o?



    Customs Respond

    Yes, but it'due south very difficult because they will teleport away from the water when information technology hits them. However, they tend to just outright die during pelting if there is no shelter.

  • Question

    If I only have wood, what germination should I apply to build the business firm in survival?

    Banana Head

    First, if the wood is in blocks, convert all the forest that you will utilize for edifice to wooden planks. Build a pocket-size business firm that has a 3 x 3 floor, 2 blocks high, so roof. Utilise the remainder of the wood to build a wall 1 cake off the footing. This will stop zombies, skeletons, and creepers from getting close to your house. 2 blocks high is plenty for you to move around, but will protect against enderman.

  • Question

    Would it piece of work to have a water moat 5 blocks and a lava one 5 blocks if I'grand in creative? And do whatsoever mobs intermission bricks?

    Banana Head

    Creepers can break blocks by exploding, zombies can suspension down wooden doors on hardcore mode, and enderman can pick up blocks and teleport them away. The lava moat will certainly assist burn mobs that try to cross it.

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  • Mob's can't spawn on one-half-slabs, if you have a wood shelter but no light, build the floor out of half-slabs.

  • Don't leave your door open. Mobs will go far.

  • Some players consider putting the game difficulty on peaceful adulterous.

  • Continue a sword, food and armor on you at all times.

  • Take a 2nd base to go to if your house is invaded. Information technology should contain a breast filled with nutrient, weapons and armor.

  • Always make windows and glass panes around the walls. This way, y'all can see what's going on outside (spotter for mobs, etc).

  • Slumber in a bed at nighttime to skip and avert the mobs from spawning.

  • Enchant most of your stuff especially armor.

  • Holes with cacti and a sign in at the base of a wall will finish and impale most mobs.

  • Put traps around your base of operations. It helps keep mobs away and one more thing, zombies can sense if they fall down they will be damaged.

  • Endeavor putting some signs and a drop nether the outer edge of your moat to flush out mobs in the moat.

  • Effort to build your business firm with a durable block, such as obsidian, cobblestone, etc.

  • If y'all have windows, don't look at Endermen.

  • Endeavor to build a wall effectually your base.

  • Ever have a pen with livestock. That mode, if you lot run out of nutrient, you can get more.

  • Add a double airlock, preferably on a corner and then you lot need to use the same door twice to get in,

  • Ready a cocky destruct organization for emergency employ but. If your base is invaded too much have a secret passage to room with a button to trigger self destruct sequence and right away enter a already built emergency bunker with more than one emergency exit and its own self destruct arrangement.

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  • Make sure the wiring doesn't give mobs a way over the moat.


Things You'll Need

  • About 10-xx blocks depending on the size
  • An iron door

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